SIGWROC Meeting — Doing Hope
- When: Friday, 3:30–4:30pm
- Location: Blvd. C (2nd floor)
Introduction (~5-7 minutes)
- Introduce the current committee
Updates (~5-7 minutes)
- Elections: Grad student, Comm Officer, and At-Large Member
- Note the success of the WROC and Write group
- Web Scraping Workshop Series
“Doing [Intersectional] Hope” Invention Activity (~40 minutes)
Goal: Generate important values, ideas, and directives to guide the SIGWROC field in our research, teaching, and service.
How: Apply Collins’ (Black Feminist Thought, 1990/2008) matrix of domination (types of power) to support a large group invention activity. The plan will be to use the framework to identify issues of power related to code, data, algorithms, etc. and their oppositions as a means to envision a more just future to work for.
We will take up the following 4 MoD parts to organize our discussion:
- Hegemonic: What dominant ideas and values inform and maintain oppressive conditions and practices?
- Structural: What institutions, groups, communities, etc. organize enact such hegemony? Experience hegemony?
- Interpersonal: Based on one’s positionality, what types of everyday situations are organized and produced by this organization and enaction of power?
- Disciplinary: What rules (norms, policies, protocols, procedures, etc.) do different people experience differently, due to the above relationships?
We will use large post-its and sharpies to log ideas, along with the meeting minutes.
Hang Out!
Let’s go hang out! :-)